31 Kings

June 16, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • A Huge alliance is assembled in the north to come against Israel.
  • As we gain ground in our transformational journey there will be increased resistance.
  • Joshua was a successful leader, not because of his military might but because he was obedient to what God had asked him to do.
  • Complacency and distraction are two enemies that can keep us from success in God’s Kingdom.
  • Fathers’ roles are essential to the family. Fathers are called to lead, protect and cover their homes in prayer and the Word.
  • We should devote worldly pursuits and anything that God would not co-sign to destruction before they destroy us. 
  • Jesus overcame sin, death, and the devil and grants us new life. The lives we now live we should live for Him.
  • Obedience to God’s instruction leads to blessings.


  1. Have you experienced increased resistance following spiritual growth? Explain.
  2. Do you struggle with complacency? How does it affect you and others?
  3. Discuss and encourage each other to increase our efforts to read the Word and pray with our spouses and families.
  4. What was your primary take away from the message?