Group Guide
Practicing Our Faith
Practicing Our Faith
January 12, 2025
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Everyone is devoted to something.
- The early church was devoted to the teaching of the Apostles.
- The Apostles taught what Jesus taught them.
- Jesus taught from what we know as the Old Testament (Old Covenant), but He amplified it.
- Love is the core of abiding in Christ and being devoted; if we abide in Him, much love will be the fruit produced in and through us.
- Love is the key to practicing our faith well. (See 1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
- Disciples of Jesus love one another. (See John 13:35)
- Participating in worship is an important part of practicing our faith.
- Pruning is not comfortable, but it is necessary in our lives so that we will produce good fruit.
- Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.
- Jesus wants to bless us by giving us what we ask for, but it is for the sake of glorifying the Father and producing fruit in us.
- To abide is to remain faithful and steadfast.
- To abide in Christ is to be devoted.
- In order to abide in Christ, we need to practice our faith. We need to be devoted.
- Practicing communion is a proclamation of the Gospel.
- What are you devoted to?
- Do you attend the prayer nights? Share about your experience there. If not, what is stopping you from going?
- What takeaway do you have from the sermon on Sunday?
- Discuss an aspect of your faith that you need to practice more.
- One of the things Jesus taught His disciples (and the Apostles taught the Church) was how to pray. Break down the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) into its five main sections, then use it as your guide to pray together as a group.