A Greater Covenant

The Good News Of Hebrews
June 18, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • God has given us a greater covenant based on better promises.
  • The Old Covenant was necessary to see that the New Covenant is greater.
  • Jesus is the guarantor of the New Covenant.
  • Prophetically, the New Covenant is established on God’s promise to forgive and remember our sins no more, to cleanse us from unrighteousness, to write the law on our hearts and minds, to remove our old heart and replace it with his, to place His Spirit in us, and to cause us to obey and follow his requirements.
  • God’s covenants are always relationally driven. 
  • The Old Covenant response was “we will.” The New Covenant response is to believe and receive.

Discussion Questions

  1. Most of us have made covenants with ourselves and cling to our old ways to provide comfort of security. These old patterns and beliefs must vanish to be opened to the beauty of the New Covenant. Pastor Bob laid out 12 traps that we fall into. Can you relate to some of these? Discuss in your group.
                            Independence, Isolation, Imposter
                            Doubt, Debt, Division
                            Overthinking, Old Behaviors, Oaths
                            Lying, Lies (that we believe), Legalism
  2. How can the promises of God found in the New Covenant prophecies from Jeremiah and Ezekiel help to replace these old idols?
  3. Pray for one another to believe and receive God’s promised New Covenant love and mercy.