A Greater Temple

July 2, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • The earthly temple set up by man and designed by God was a shadow of the Messiah to come.
  • God establishes a meeting place (tent) for communion and worship.
  • The Ark held the law, and the mercy seat was its lid.
  • The blood of an animal presented annually by the high priest on the Day of Atonement sprinkled on the mercy seat provided a way to God.
  • None of this could completely solve the sin problem. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
  • The mercy seat triumphs over the judgement of the curse of the law.
  • Jesus has entered the real Holy of Holies and sits on the throne as the Lamb that was slain.
  • Our sins ore truly forgiven and remitted once and for all.
  • Everything we pass through today is preparation for tomorrow.

“The Red Sea did not part for him. The Father struck him with Abraham’s flint knife. He drowned in Noah’s flood. Daniel’s lions devoured him. The fiery furnace of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego consumed him. The spear that missed David impaled his Lord. He was cast overboard and swallowed by Jonah’s beast. He was crushed for David’s adultery, Abraham’s cowardice, Noah’s drunkenness. The squeals of every sacrificed animal that ever bled on the altar were in anticipation of his cry. We, like all of God’s people since, were only spared because Christ was not.”

Greg Morse

Discussion Questions

  1. How does the understanding of Hebrews 9 deepen your worship?
  2. Discuss your personal takeaways from Sunday’s message.
  3. Discuss the implements found in the tent: The Table of Presence, The Lamp Stands, The Altar of Incense, etc.