A More Excellent Way

Edify – Week 3
February 19, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Paul’s lists of spiritual gifts are not exhaustive.
  • In His perfect sovereignty, God distributes spiritual gifts to the Church.
  • We don’t get to choose which gift(s) God gives us.
  • The Church is meant to be both diverse and unified as the Body of Christ.
  • It is good to desire spiritual gifts, but we are not meant to chase after them or their benefits.
  • Spiritual gifts are given to members of the Church for the edification of the Body.
  • Spiritual gifts are worthless without love.
  • We ought to chase after love and utilize the gifts that God gives us from a place of love for one another.
  • An inability to love your brother or sister is a symptom of not abiding in the love of the Father.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever pursued relational benefits rather than the relationship? This might be your relationships with others or your relationship with God. What were the results of that pursuit?
  2. What has your experience with spiritual gifts been so far?
  3. Are there certain gifts that you desire God to give you? Why do you desire those specific gifts?
  4. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and describe how you’ve expressed love in recent weeks.
  5. What aspects of love do you need to work on in your life?
  6. Pray for each for God’s grace and love to fill you and invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through your relationships this week.