Alpha And Omega
The Name Above Our Name
December 3, 2023
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Moses found out that God’s Name speaks to the sum of who He is, His character, and His essence.
- God highly exalted His Son and gave Him His Name and His Name is above every other name.
- Jesus rightly proclaimed that He is the first and the last.
- Jesus not only took part in creating the universe and all that is in it, but it was created through Him and for Him. Jesus holds it all together.
- Jesus knows the end at the beginning, as evidenced many times in scripture; He references the past and the future.
- Jesus saw us before we were ever born and numbered our days.
- We should take great assurance that His sovereign will is governing our lives.
- We should surrender daily to His will, placing His name above our name.
- What did you come away with after Sunday’s message?
- Was there a reason that your parents gave you your name?
- Look at the list of the Names of Jesus below. Which of these Names has become meaningful in your life?
- Which of these Names have you yet to discover within the character of Jesus?
Names of Jesus
- Son of God: Mt 3:17
- Messiah: Mt 16:16
- Emmanuel: Mt 1:23
- Lamb of God: Jn 1:29
- King of Kings: Re 19:16
- Lord of Lords: Re 19:16
- Prince of Peace: Is 9:6
- Savior: Lk 2:11
- Light of the World: Jn 8:12
- The Way, Truth, Life: Jn 14:6
- Good Shepherd: Jn 10:11
- Alpha & Omega: Re 22:13
- Bread of Life: Jn 6:35
- Redeemer: Is 59:20
- Holy One: Mk 1:24
- The Word: Jn 1:1
- I Am: John 8:58