Be Blessed

June 30, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Abraham was used by God to bless, to be a blessing, and to be blessed.
  • Jacob asked for blessings.
  • The Portuguese phrase, “benca pai/mai” means “father/mother bless me.”
  • The response is “Deus abencoe,” meaning “God bless you.”
  • God declares a blessing over those who walk in obedience to His voice.
  • Jesus took the curse upon Himself so we who believe can walk in the blessings.
  • The beatitudes relate to our response to the Gospel, the Good News.


  1. How can we as a church stop the negative cycle of cursing the next generation?
  2. What encouragement did you take away from the video of the grads?
  3. What are some ways we can bless those around us more?
  4. Discuss what you can do to come alongside the next generation.