Be Blessed
June 30, 2024
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Abraham was used by God to bless, to be a blessing, and to be blessed.
- Jacob asked for blessings.
- The Portuguese phrase, “benca pai/mai” means “father/mother bless me.”
- The response is “Deus abencoe,” meaning “God bless you.”
- God declares a blessing over those who walk in obedience to His voice.
- Jesus took the curse upon Himself so we who believe can walk in the blessings.
- The beatitudes relate to our response to the Gospel, the Good News.
- How can we as a church stop the negative cycle of cursing the next generation?
- What encouragement did you take away from the video of the grads?
- What are some ways we can bless those around us more?
- Discuss what you can do to come alongside the next generation.