Be Humbled. Be On Guard. Trust The Process.

For Pete’s Sake
September 17, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Peter’s life was radically changed by Jesus Christ.
  • All of Peter’s letter should be looked at under the lens of the sovereignty of God, especially 1 Peter 5:6-11.
  • The God of all grace is sovereign over salvation, suffering, life, death, and everything in between.
  • Peter exhorts the older in faith to shepherd the younger ones in the flock.
  • God rewards those who shepherd others in accordance with His will.
  • Younger Christians ought to submit to the wisdom of their elders.
  • Humility is not natural. We have to put it on.
  • Pride leaves no room for grace.
  • Allowing worry to captivate you is a form of submitting to pride.
  • Humility is a gift to be applied under the sovereignty of God’s mighty hand.
  • Be humbled.
  • Be on guard.
  • Trust the process.

Discussion Questions

  1. Are you holding onto or feel bound and weighed down to anxiety in any form? How does pride play into the picture?
  2. What keeps you from receiving the gift of humility? What does it look like to “put on” humility?
  3. What do you think about what Pastor Tony said about consumer Christianity? Do you ever think the way he described it? How can/do you approach your faith and church differently?
  4. Describe what it means to stand firm in faith against the adversary who is looking for someone to devour.
  5. Is it harder to trust or have patience with the process? Explain.