Body Building

Edify – Week 4
February 26, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Love must be the foundation that we build from. Spiritual gifts without love are worthless.
  • When love for each other is pursued, the Holy Spirit acts freely in our lives and spiritual gifts abound.
  • Love enables us to fully receive edification (even correction) from others.
  • Spiritual gifts are given by God to whom He chooses when He chooses.
  • The gifts are given to us to:
    • equip each other for ministry
    • build up the Body
    • mature our faith
    • grow us in the likeness of Christ
    • serve others
    • speak God’s words
    • glorify God through Jesus Christ in everything
  • The spiritual growth and health of the Church is dependent on the whole Body, not just the pastors, elders, and ministry leaders.
  • Some spiritual gifts seem common among all believers but are given in extra measure to some (e.g. evangelism, faith, giving, hospitality, mercy, discernment).

Discussion Questions

  1. How has God gifted you for the sake of edifying the Body?
  2. Give examples of how a spiritual gift might be used with and without love.
  3. What spiritual gifts do you desire? Why?
  4. Share how you’ve seen spiritual gifts active in your life or other group members.
  5. If you’d like to learn more about spiritual gifts and what gifts God has given you, go to to take the S.H.A.P.E. assessment, then meet with your leader or a pastor/elder/staff member of the church to discuss.