Burden Bearers

March 19, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • As part of the Body of Christ, we are obligated to bear the trespasses of others.
  • Burden bearers gently help other believers get back on the track of becoming like Christ.
  • Bearing the sinful loads of others is part of building each other up.
  • Burden bearers are led by the Spirit.
  • Burden bearers are conscious of their own propensity to sin.
  • Burden bearers are eager to fulfill the law.
  • Burden bearers bear up the loads for others as Jesus bore ours.
  • Burden bearers do not gossip.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever had another believer help to bear your load of sin?
  2. Can you explain a time that you gently guided someone else back on track?
  3. In what ways have you not always practiced restoring others in the right way? Ignoring, gossiping, condemning, etc.?
  4. Was the instruction from Sunday’s message challenging? Why?
  5. Can you think of a person who needs you to be a burden bearer?