Do Not Be Unaware

April 16, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Believers have a mission as reconcilers to carry the Good News with love to a lost world and to be eager to maintain unity with others.
  • Satan’s mission is to take us off mission.
  • Satan uses tactics like distraction, discouragement, and division.
  • Believers who are trying to advance the Gospel are not affective when they are outwitted by Satan, holding on to unforgiveness or resentment. 
  • We must be watchful, alert, and aware of our adversary’s devises and schemes. 
  • We are to remember that our fight is not against flesh and blood.
  • We must keep short accounts and be quick to forgive.
  • God can use Satan’s devises to help refine us in the process of reconciliation. 
  • Grace is our secret weapon to offer to those who offend, thereby canceling the record just as Christ has graced us with forgiveness.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you been distracted from your mission? Why?
  2. Are you currently struggling to be unified in any relationships?
  3. Have you discovered any of Satan’s strategies that he tries to use against you?
  4. As a group, pray and formulate a plan to help others in relational struggles.