Encouraged And Empowered

Edify – Week 2
February 12, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • When following Jesus, we need to be encouraged and empowered; The Holy Spirit is our source.
  • Zerubbabel needed the Word of the Lord to be reminded of His promise.
  • Jesus explained to His disciples that they would be discouraged by His absence but encouraged and empowered by the Father’s promise to send the Holy Spirit.
  • If we are going to edify others, we need to be built up by the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit convinces us of our need for Jesus, empowers us to carry out our calling, and emboldens us to be His witnesses. 
  • The Holy Spirit indwells in the believer and fills us when we ask Him too.

Discussion Questions

  1. How much are you leaning into the Father’s promise of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Explain your experience of the Holy Spirit’s ability to convict you of sin.
  3. Are you actively asking for God to fill you with His Spirit?
  4. Pray for one another and build one another up. “Edify!”