
Called Out Youth Sunday
April 30, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • GOD miraculously named Goshen and Grace to affirm HIS involvement.
  • GOD caps the Old Testament with a charge to families followed by 400 years of silence. The passage speaks of one who comes in the spirit of Elijah the prophet. This was fulfilled by John the Baptizer whoseemergence ended the silence.
  • A secondary interpretation: we are also called to be voices in the wilderness, preparing the way of JESUS with the Gospel.
  • We are called to reconcile man and GOD, starting from our households with our own families and moving outward.
  • The devil is called, in Isaiah 14:12, the “weakener of nations.” He has focused a barrage upon the family leading to a weakened nation.
  • Biblical prophecy warns of a 3rd temple (currently being prepared) where the man of lawlessness will declare himself god and issue a mark on the hand or head to force the world to worship him.
  • GOD also issued a mark on the hand and head found in Deuteronomy 6:4-8, actualized with the sealing of the HOLY SPIRIT.
  • GOD has brought us into HIS eternal family through a divine plan worked out by the TRINITY.

Discussion Questions

  1. Like the “Elijah” in Malachi 4:6, how can we be voices in the wilderness preparing the way of the LORD?
  2. With the World Book Encyclopedia describing the rise of the Industrial Revolution as a catalyst to separating fathers from their homes and leading to “serious social evils”.  Where do you think that places us today in terms of family dynamics?
  3. The true TRINITY and the false one offer marks. What are some ways the world is being prepped to receive the false mark? How can we know we’ve received GOD’s mark?