From Deadness To Christlikeness
August 25, 2024
Key Scriptures
- Ephesians 2:1-10
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Colossians 3:3-10
- Romans 8:28-29
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
- 1 John 3:2
- Philippians 1:6
Key Points
- God’s eternal plan predestined us to Christlikeness.
- Many misplace their aim and ambition on ministry and purpose when God’s will for us is to become Christlike.
- God’s mercy has been laid into the path of sinners.
- God’s mercy can often be introduced to us through others.
- Real life is found in a life founded in Christ.
- God is more interested in who we are becoming than what we are doing.
- Scripture reveals to us that we are dead in our sins. Discuss this as a group.
- Have you thought more about God’s will as mission and purpose more than transformation?
- Discuss the past, present, and future tense in the last four scriptures listed above.
- What part of Pastor Bob’s friendship with John touched you the most? Why?