Going Through Tribulation
Stanislav Shalukhin
March 13, 2022
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Everyone either has gone through, will go through, or is currently going through tribulations.
- Tribulation is when your very foundation is being shaken.
- God wants us to be victorious as we go through tribulation.
- David’s intimacy with God is built his faith and strength to withstand tribulations.
- It is important to turn to God and seek Him for help.
- God promises to respond to us when we are humble before Him.
- Even in tribulations, God is drawing people nearer to Him.
- When Jesus prepared a meal for His disciples, He didn’t judge them for their little faith. He received them, fed them, fellowshipped with them, and taught about love.
- The love of God was poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
- Through Jesus, God’s love was given to us to heal, restore, and fill us with His strength.
- God’s love can restore you, bring balance, and bring healing no matter what storm you are facing.
- It’s not easy, but God’s love leads us through tribulation.
Discussion Questions
- What is your natural reaction to tribulation? (run, hide, distract yourself, look for help, cry, fight against it, seek God, etc.)
- Can you describe a time of tribulation that God has brought you through? What did you learn through that season?
- James 1:2-4 tells us to “count it joy” in the trials (tribulations). How can you find joy amid tribulations?
- Pray for those in your group who are in the middle of tribulations. Pray for Pastor Stanislav and his family and all those who effected by the war in Ukraine. Pray for Russian soldiers to encounter God and return home.