The Words Of My Mouth

July 7, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • General revelation is the glory of God revealed through nature as described in the first part of Psalm 19, and it is available to all humankind.
  • God’s instructions are good and meant to guide us in the way we should go.
  • It is not easy for us to perceive unintentional sins, but we ought to repent of them when they are brought to our attention rather than get defensive about them.
  • Being acquitted of our wrongdoing is to be found innocent and requires no change in us. Being cleansed of all unrighteousness leads us to change and become more like Christ.
  • Words have power. Words in prayer have the most power.
  • Practicing simple prayers through the many moments of the day helps to align the thoughts of our hearts and our words with God’s Word.
  • Our actions are guided by our words and our words are an outpouring of what is in our heart.
  • Breath prayer: breathe in a name of God and breathe out a request or praise.
  • Speaking God’s name is the simplest of prayers.


  1. Share your takeaways from the message.
  2. Which part of Psalm 19 (vs 1-6, 7-11, 12-13, or 14) resonates with you the most? Explain.
  3. Discuss you see between what is in your heart, the words that come from your mouth, and the way you act.
  4. Develop and share some breath prayers of your own that can help you align your thoughts, words, and deeds with God during a typical day.
  5. Encourage and edify one another as you pray for each other.