Group Guide
From Follower To Disciple Maker
From Follower To Disciple Maker
March 9, 2025
Key Points
- Being a disciple involves following Jesus, becoming like Him, and making other disciples.
- The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) calls all believers to make disciples.
- Discipleship is a form of love and sacrifice, reflecting Christ’s love for us.
- Jesus empowers and equips us to make disciples, even with our limited resources.
- Every believer has the capacity and responsibility to help others grow in Christ.
- The mystery of multiplication in discipleship can have a profound impact.
- How has someone discipled you in your faith journey? What impact did that have on your life?
- How do you understand the phrase “as you go” in relation to making disciples? What might this look like in your daily life?
- Loving others includes helping them grow as disciples. How does this expand your understanding of Christian love?
- What lessons can we draw about our role in making disciples from the feeding of the 5000?
- What fears or hesitations do you have about making disciples? Where do those fear come from?
- Identify one person in your life who might benefit from discipleship. Commit to praying for an opportunity to invest in their spiritual growth.
- Choose a passage of Scripture to study this week. Invite someone to join you in discussing what you learn.
- Pray for laborers in the harvest (Matthew 9:37-38) and for opportunities to be one yourself.
- Make a list of the “little” you have to offer in discipleship (like the five loaves and two fish). Pray for God to multiply your efforts as you step out in faith.
Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us to be your disciples and for entrusting us with the mission of making more disciples. Help us to see the opportunities around us and give us courage to step out in faith. Multiply our small efforts for your kingdom’s sake. May we love others as you have loved us, investing in their spiritual growth. Remind us that you are always with us as we go.