Light In The Darkness

His Power Is Perfected In Weakness
December 22, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • God brings light into existence. 
  • Jesus’s coming to earth is often referred to as a sunrise or dayspring.
  • Light reveals the truth and gives direction. 
  • When light appears in scripture as prophecy, it is often connected with the shadow of death.
  • Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the world. 
  • Jesus brings the light of life into men.
  • Light in the darkness is a parallel to His strength and our weakness.
  • When Jesus’s birth was announced, it came with a bright light in the darkness. When Jesus returns, He will come with a bright light.
  • When Jesus sits on His heavenly throne, He will be our light and there will be no more darkness.


  1. Have you ever been afraid of the dark? How much difference did a flashlight make?
  2. Take a moment to review and summarize each of the four messages. How can God make His power perfect in your weakness?
  3. The choir sang a powerful ballad: “Go, Tell It On The Mountain”
    Pray as a group about making that a lifestyle instead of just a song.