His And Ours

June 23, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Israel’s Promised Land was about to be allotted, tribe by tribe.
  • The land was considered an inheritance for the descendants of Abraham.
  • An inheritance is typically realized after the death of the promissory.
  • God gives us an unfading and undefiled inheritance, guarded and kept in heaven for us. This inheritance was given to his children (believers) after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
  • We have been given the Holy Spirit as a down payment of our inheritance.
  • God calls us His inheritance. This revelation should strengthen and deepen our love for Him.


  1. Share your takeaways from the message.
  2. Paul prayed that we would be given the spirit of wisdom to understand this revelation. Discuss why he feels that it is important “that the eyes of our heart” be open to this understanding? 
  3. Pull the application from the scriptures in 1 Peter and Colossians and discuss.
  4. How can this understanding of us as His inheritance motivate us?