Joshua’s Final Words

August 11, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • The priests are given their cities, the two and a half tribes are allowed to return to their previous inherited land on the other side of the Jordon.
  • They set up an altar that was misunderstood by the other tribes. War was averted when they explained its meaning. May we be as sensitive to rebellion as they were.
  • Joshua was about to go to the way of the earth, and he brought a holy message to Israel.
  • Stay the course, don’t return to your past, remember the promises, and fear the Lord!
  • God blesses obedience and is jealous for us. He hands out consequences for swaying to the right or left.
  • Joshua brings them to a place of decision at Shechem. 
  • Stay in the light… Jesus is asking us to go all in.


  1. What is God speaking to your heart regarding obedience?
  2. What are your top three takeaways from the Joshua series?
  3. What do you see in Luke and James that speaks to you?
  4. Are you all in, half in, or not in at all?