Love > Me
Love Is Greater Than _____
September 22, 2024
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- To be on the receiving side of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3, we must learn how costly God’s love is and how it can never be earned.
- Scripture points to love more than 680 times. “Chesed” (חסד) in the Old Testament and “agape” (ἀγάπη) in the New Testament.
- Jesus indicated that we would know Him by the testimonies of the written word; not necessarily by experience.
- What we come to know and believe about His love is acquired by faith.
- God’s love frees us to be ourselves and removes the temptation to hide or self-protect.
- Our interchangeable use of the word “love” cheapens the true meaning of God’s sacrificial love.
- God’s love was an action, not a feeling or thought. His love was demonstrated in Christ’s death.
- What have you misunderstood regarding God’s love?
- How does understanding God’s love free us?
- Each person in your group, look up 3 scriptures that use the word love. Read aloud and discuss the application of each verse. (use your Bible concordance or search on your Bible App if you need help)
- Did you have a specific takeaway from the message that you would like to share?