Love > Me

Love Is Greater Than _____
September 22, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • To be on the receiving side of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3, we must learn how costly God’s love is and how it can never be earned.
  • Scripture points to love more than 680 times. “Chesed” (חסד) in the Old Testament and “agape” (ἀγάπη) in the New Testament.
  • Jesus indicated that we would know Him by the testimonies of the written word; not necessarily by experience.
  • What we come to know and believe about His love is acquired by faith.
  • God’s love frees us to be ourselves and removes the temptation to hide or self-protect.
  • Our interchangeable use of the word “love” cheapens the true meaning of God’s sacrificial love.
  • God’s love was an action, not a feeling or thought. His love was demonstrated in Christ’s death.


  1. What have you misunderstood regarding God’s love?
  2. How does understanding God’s love free us? 
  3. Each person in your group, look up 3 scriptures that use the word love. Read aloud and discuss the application of each verse. (use your Bible concordance or search on your Bible App if you need help)
  4. Did you have a specific takeaway from the message that you would like to share?