Love > Pride
Love Is Greater Than _____
October 20, 2024
Key Scriptures
- 1 John 3:14-15
- Matthew 22:37-38
- John 13:34-35
- Proverbs 6:9-19
- Romans 8:5-7
- 1 Peter 5:5-6
- James 4:5-10
Key Points
- Pride will seriously destroy your ability to love.
- You may need to repent of pride if:
- You are unwilling to reconcile.
- You are verbally aggressive.
- You are habitually angry.
- You are condescending.
- You are overly judgmental.
- You have been described as arrogant.
- Your ability to love others is a great indicator of your spiritual health.
- God places His Spirit in us and is yearning for us to become like Him. He laid His life down for us; loving those who are at odds with us will require the same sacrificial love.
- Our relationship with God is in direct correlation with our relationship with others.

- How does pride enter your life? Can you relate to any of the symptoms that are listed?
- Are you withholding love from someone? Why?
- Discuss as a group how we can remove pride from our lives.
- How can knowing God create humility?