Love > Shame

Love Is Greater Than _____
October 13, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Shame is different than guilt:
  • Shame can be debilitating and lead to unnecessary strategies to cope, including isolation and self-harm.
  • Shame can lead to perfectionism, dishonesty, and self-sabotage.
  • Chronic shame can lead to depression, anger, and even physical health maladies including chronic fatigue.
  • Shame can cause obsessive negative self-talk and perpetual feelings of inadequacy. 
  • Luke 7:36-50 vividly teaches us what happens when shame encounters a forgiving Savior.
  • Forgiveness from God unlocks a reservoir of worship.
  • God’s steadfast love can and will erase shame.


  1. What was your takeaway from Eric’s testimony?
  2. Have you ever suffered under the weight of shame?
  3. How were you delivered from shame?
  4. What other observations can you make from the encounter that the “sinful woman” had with Jesus?
  5. Eight people were saved Sunday. Take time as a group and pray for them.