Loving To The End… Learning Along The Way

June 5, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • John was amazed that Jesus loved them to the end.
  • Jesus models love by washing their feet, then commands them to love one another as He has loved them.
  • Jesus models right actions flowing out of right thinking. (John 13:3)
  • If we don’t know who we are (identity), where we are heading (destiny), and what we are about (purpose/mission), we will falter in teaching our kids who they are.
  • There is still a snake in the garden; if he can’t take you out, he will attempt to render you ineffective. He is at work in culture, influencing our kids with his lies.
  • We must teach our kids after learning ourselves:
    • You are uniquely made in your mother’s womb, a special creation of God.
    • You are made in the image of God to reflect His likeness.
    • God created them male and female to reflect His character. Our genders are to be celebrated rather than attempting to change them.
    • Sin entered the picture with confusion and pain. Many are confused about God’s design, but you don’t have to be.
    • As a Christ follower, He gives you a new life and clears the confusion by renewing your mind with His truth.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you come to terms with Jesus’s love for you even through your mess?
  2. Is there something you have said like Peter to Jesus: “never will you…”?
  3. How do Jesus’s words affect you: “you have no part with me unless…”?
  4. Does His love really motivate the way you live? Do you love Him with a willingness to obey Him?
  5. Do you have a “biblical world view” being trained by the Word versus the culture? How is the Word of God renewing your thinking and leading in right living?