Marked By Faith To Pray

Marked – Week 23
March 27, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Expect evil to present itself after times of refreshing.
  • Jesus rebukes all for their faithlessness.
  • Jesus privately explains to His disciples… no prayer, no power!
  • Great stress or circumstances generally weaken our faith, but at the same time motivate us to pray.
  • Unbelief causes the believer to be double minded and uncommitted; it also displeases God.
  • Prayer stretches and builds our faith muscle; thus, prayer and faith are interconnected.

Discussion Questions

  1. When are you least likely to pray?
  2. How do prayer and faith interrelate?
  3. What area in your life is currently producing reasons to pray with faith?
  4. Can you share an experience of when the descent from the mountain brought an unexpected challenge?