Marked By Salt

Marked – Week 25
April 10, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus instructs the disciples regarding the consequences of sin.
  • Jesus describes hell as unquenchable.
  • Jesus instructs His disciples that all will be salted and go through fire.
  • Salt was used in covenant making as well as offerings.
  • Salt is one part sodium and one part chloride and is immutable. 
  • Salt purifies, preserves, seasons, and changes to everything it is added to.
  • Jesus says we must be the salt and bring peace. 
  • Each item of food in the Passover meal has meaning and each item may be dipped into a bowl of saltwater. The saltwater bowl represents the tears of the slaves.

Discussion Questions

  1. What does Jesus’s description of sin and hell mean to you?
  2. Discuss in your group how we can be salt to the world.
  3. Salt was used to symbolize faithful friendship. Discuss the fruit that has been born from friendships within your group.

*Some manuscripts add verses 44 and 46 (which are identical with verse 48).