Marked By The Servant

Marked – Week 28
May 15, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus heads uphill to Jerusalem and explains to the disciples what will happen to The Son of Man.
  • James and John ask to be put in a position of glory in His Kingdom. 
  • We are called to glorify God, not to be glorified. 
  • Jesus came to serve, not to be served.
  • Jesus serves us daily, and from His death we receive freedom to serve.
  • We have been ransomed by the greatest Servant of all.
  • Jesus helps us, we do not help Him.

Discussion Questions

  1. Give examples of how Jesus serves us.
  2. What motivates you to serve?
  3. Who do you serve the most? The least? 
  4. Describe your first thought of Jesus washing your feet.