Marked To Be Raised To New Life

Marked – Week 44
October 9, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • As prophesized in Isaiah 53:9, Jesus would be buried in a man’s tomb.
  • Joseph “took courage” and asked for Jesus’s body and personally exercised his faith to ask Pilate.
  • As believers, we need to take courage and not shrink back in fear when asked to do something for Jesus.
  • Three of Jesus’s female disciples came early in the morning to anoint His body.
  • They realized they would need help to roll away the stone.
  • God had raised Jesus and rolled the stone from the slot in the tomb that held it in place.
  • Our sin keeps us in the tomb and only God can roll away the stone.
  • The resurrection brings hope to those who have passed on as well as those of us who are alive. The resurrection removed the power and bondage of sin.
  • Romans 6 makes it plain: we have died with Jesus, were buried with Jesus, and have been risen with Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  1. Can you name some things you were bound to before the stone was rolled away for you?
  2. How many times does Paul say the same things in the Romans 6 passage?
  3. Do you struggle with persistent guilt? How can the message of the death, burial, and resurrection help?
  4. How many of you would confess you need more courage to do what Jesus has asked you to do? Discuss.