Marked To Be The Center

Marked – Week 30
June 12, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • There is always room in our lives for more Scripture and more prayer.
  • The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was nothing like a Roman triumphal entry. There were no spoils of war, prisoners, army, or golden chariot.
  • The people were expecting a conquering king to come and reestablish Davidic reign.
  • Riding on a young colt was a symbol of Jesus coming in peace rather than as a conqueror.
  • Hosanna means “Please! Save us!”
  • The people were praising Jesus, but their motives were what Jesus could do for them.
  • As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, our prayer life should grow as well.
  • Asking God to meet our needs is an important part of prayer, but prayer is much more that only asking and receiving. It includes adoration, gratitude, confession, and more.
  • Jesus doesn’t want to be a priority in your life. He wants to be the center.

Discussion Questions

  1. What kinds of things distract you from spending time soaking in God’s Word and praying?
  2. Have you ever expected something from God, but He had a different plan? Explain.
  3. What would it look like for Jesus to be the center of your life? How would it affect the following for you?
    • Job
    • Friends
    • Marriage/Family
    • Recreation
    • Politics
    • Social Media
  4. Spend some time in prayer, including adoration, gratitude, confession, and requests.