Marked To Give

Marked – Week 35
August 7, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • By teaching in the temple, Jesus asserts Himself as the messianic promise.
  • Jesus watches those making offerings and teaches the disciples the offering from the widow is greater because it came from a place of sacrifice.
  • Our giving flows from a trusting and devoted heart.
  • If our time, talent, and treasure is devoted to good or bad it will come back multiplied. This is the spiritual principal of reaping and sewing.
  • God provides an increase to the sower so that his/her giving can increase.
  • The widow who was obedient to give her all to the prophet was sustained.

Discussion Questions

  1. Has your heart been transformed to give? Explain.
  2. Have you experienced the spiritual principal of reciprocity?
  3. Do you have a tight hold on your money?
  4. Who has influenced your life regarding giving?