Marked To See

Marked – Week 29
May 22, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Bartimaeus: Son of Timaeus, his name in Hebrew is “unclean” but in Greek it’s “highly prized.”
  • Jericho is 900 ft. below sea level and Jerusalem will be a 3,300 ft. climb. 
  • Look closely at Bartimaeus’s approach to Jesus. He didn’t listen to the crowd, he continued to cry out for mercy, he threw off his cloak, he sprang to his feet, and then followed Him.
  • Sometimes we are blind beggars looking for attention and love from others rather than being satisfied in Christ.
  • Some wear a cloak of self-pity, rejection, or man pleasing; these all need to be thrown off.

Discussion Questions

  1. Describe the process of Bartimaeus going from unclean to highly prized.
  2. Pastor Bob mentioned Jesus finding us in low places or hidden places of the heart that we are begging from. Do you have any?
  3. Describe your uphill journey with Jesus.

“Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.”

Adrian Rogers