Off With the Old Self
On With the New

The Old and the New – Week 2
March 14, 2021

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Adam was a type of Christ: through one man’s disobedience, all have sinned; through one man’s obedience, many have been made righteous. 
  • Our new birth includes being baptized with Jesus in his death, his burial, and his resurrection.
  • In Christ, our old self has been crucified and we are resurrected in our new self.
  • Self is another word for our nature.
  • Our new nature is no longer bound to sin but bound by grace and abounding in love.

Discussion Questions

  1. Spend time discussing your baptism experience.
  2. What’s the difference between your old self and your new self?
  3. Spend a good portion of your time praying for the lost to come home.