Prone To Wander

February 11, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Elohim might refer to false gods or the one true God.
  • Yahweh is the name of the one true God.
    • Side note: the Jewish people would not say “Yahweh” out of reverence for Him. Special markings in the text guided them to say Elohim or Adonai when reading. Many modern translations of the Bible render Yahweh as Lord, with small cap letters to signify that it is the name of God.
  • Idolatry is a major sin that Yahweh was very clear about.
  • Idols take many forms and often hide in our lives without us even noticing.
  • When we have and idol, we are bowing down and worshiping a false god.
  • Idols can usually be seen as good things, but they have been elevated to a place in our lives that should be reserved for Yahweh alone.
  • We are all prone to wander; it’s the consequence of being born with a sin nature.
  • Through Jesus, we are freed from sin and enslaved to Yahweh, but we tend to choose other gods and bind our hearts to them.
  • Some examples of modern-day idols are: identity, money, things, jobs, physical beauty, entertainment, sex, family, friends, influence, and even Christian ministry.
  • What you worship (give your time, money, talents, and attention to) can either be an idol or Yahweh. It can’t be both.


  1. How do you spend most of your time outside of sleep?
  2. How do you use your talents (God-given gifts) and skills (things you’ve learned)?
  3. If someone could see your spending for an average month, what would they think is most important to you?
  4. What occupies your mind throughout the day?
  5. What do you pursue to add joy to your life?
  6. Share one or two idols that you struggle with. (This is not a time to give suggestions to overcome an idol.)
  7. What is one thing you can change in your daily life to shift away from idolatry towards fully worshiping Yahweh?
  8. Pray together for Yahweh to lead you in repentance towards true worship.