Race With Faith

July 23, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • In light of Chapter 11… Therefore, let us run the race.
  • We are not racing against each other.
  • Remove the weight of sins and look to Jesus as we run the race.
  • Don’t disregard the loving discipline of the Lord.
  • Work hard to keep the peace with others.
  • Forgiving others is a pathway to holiness.
  • Take care lest you fall into bitterness and defile others.
  • Jesus is fully approachable, accessible, and He is for you.
  • God is a consuming fire; let Him shake and consume the things in us that are not of Him.
  • Let us worship him with reverence.

Discussion Questions

  1. The “race” in Greek comes from the word “agona” (αγώνα) which is where we get the word agony. How is our journey with Jesus (the race) related to this root word?
  2. What are some easily besetting sins that weigh us down along the way?
  3.  Have you ever experienced bitterness? How did it defile others?
  4. Approach His throne of grace and let your request be made with boldness as a group.