Recipe For A Spirit-Filled Church

January 5, 2025

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus established the Church.
  • The Church is the Called-Out Ones, called out of the world and into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • We are called into a Body of believers, and Christ is the head.
  • Devotion is an expression of love.
  • The Holy Spirit came at the end of a 10-day prayer meeting and 3000 people were saved, baptized, and filled with the Spirit that day.
  • The early church was devoted to the Apostles’ teachings, fellowship, communion, and prayer. This is the recipe for a Spirit-filled Church.
  • Before spiritual gifts came, the people were in awe.
  • Day by day, the early church was in fellowship with each other and communion with God, and the Lord brought more people to salvation day by day.
  • Members of the Body of Christ are honest with each other, even when things are not alright.
  • When all you have is a groan, Jesus intercedes and prays for you.
  • Prayer can be as simple as saying, “Help!”


  1. Which of the four ingredients to you lack? The Word, fellowship, communion, or prayer? Discuss.
  2. Why do you go to church?
  3. Everyone is devoted to something. Discuss what you are devoted to.
  4. Have you made Jesus preeminent in your life? If not, what is in the way of that?
  5. Share about a time you’ve been in awe at the power or work of God.
  6. Practice praying together.