Recipe For A Spirit-Filled Church
January 5, 2025
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Jesus established the Church.
- The Church is the Called-Out Ones, called out of the world and into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- We are called into a Body of believers, and Christ is the head.
- Devotion is an expression of love.
- The Holy Spirit came at the end of a 10-day prayer meeting and 3000 people were saved, baptized, and filled with the Spirit that day.
- The early church was devoted to the Apostles’ teachings, fellowship, communion, and prayer. This is the recipe for a Spirit-filled Church.
- Before spiritual gifts came, the people were in awe.
- Day by day, the early church was in fellowship with each other and communion with God, and the Lord brought more people to salvation day by day.
- Members of the Body of Christ are honest with each other, even when things are not alright.
- When all you have is a groan, Jesus intercedes and prays for you.
- Prayer can be as simple as saying, “Help!”
- Which of the four ingredients to you lack? The Word, fellowship, communion, or prayer? Discuss.
- Why do you go to church?
- Everyone is devoted to something. Discuss what you are devoted to.
- Have you made Jesus preeminent in your life? If not, what is in the way of that?
- Share about a time you’ve been in awe at the power or work of God.
- Practice praying together.