Returning To Gilgal

June 9, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • The camp at Gilgal is a significant location for Israel in the Promised Land.
  • Gilgal is a shadow of Calvary.
  • Gilgal is where the 12-stone monument was set up as a reminder of God’s faithfulness when he brought Israels across the Jordan River and Red Sea on dry land.
  • The cross is a reminder of God’s faithfulness to forgive our sin.
  • Gilgal is where the men of Israel were circumcised and God “rolled away” the shame they carried from Egypt.
  • The cross is where our old self is put to death by God.
  • Gilgal is the first place where Passover was celebrated in the Promised Land.
  • The cross points us to the resurrection where we celebrate new life in Christ.
  • Throughout the conquest of Joshua and all Israel through southern Canaan, they always returned to the camp at Gilgal.
  • Throughout our daily walk with Christ, we ought to return to the cross often.
  • We return to the cross of Christ to remember how He faithfully took our sin and shame and replaced it with His righteousness.
  • When a king/queen is dethroned, there is a vacancy that must be filled with Christ before another false king/queen takes control.
  • As God puts the heads of kings/queens under our feet, we must stay vigilant in fighting against other false kings/queens.


  1. Have you experienced other kings or queens taking over in your heart after overcoming one? Or has a dead king/queen ever resurrected in your heart when you thought you were free from it? Please share.
  2. What do you do to remember God’s faithfulness when it’s hard to trust that He is faithful and good?
  3. What areas do you need to borrow faith from your brothers and sisters in Christ?
  4. Spend some time praying for each other regarding faith, hope, and trust.