Rhythms Of Rest

May 29, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • As a result of the Hebrew people’s hard-hearted rebellious unbelief in the good news, they did not enter God’s promise of rest in the land.
  • Today, God calls us to believe the Good News and strive to enter His rest.
  • Today’s Sabbath-rest is a faith-based spiritual position of the entire self, surrendered in relentless loyalty to the will of God, flowing from the finished work of Jesus Christ.
  • The future Kingdom that will be established has already begun in the hearts of those who put their trust in Jesus and are indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
  • The Lord of the Sabbath dwells within us. We are Kingdom people, people of faith. Our identity is in Jesus the Messiah, resting peacefully in His finished work.
  • Sabbath rest in Jesus distinguishes us as His holy people.
  • Some scholars believe Peter is making a connection between the seventh day Sabbath and the Millennial reign of Jesus in 2 Peter 3:8.
  • Resting in Jesus allows Him to work in us so that we can move in unity with Him; He will accomplish His will in this broken world through us.
  • True Sabbath observance is resting in the finished work of Christ, having our sins forgiven, being dead to self, and living the resurrection life in Him.

Discussion Questions

  1. How are the 10 commandments useful today?
  2. As royal priests, which sacrifices do we offer daily to God?
  3. What are some things that are disturbing your rest in Christ?
  4. What does holy rest mean to you?
  5. What does it look like to strive for rest?