April 7, 2024
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- The Battle at Ai was lost because of hidden sin.
- Hidden sin and its consequences hurt everyone in the community.
- Joshua could’ve taken all 40,000 men and still lost the battle at Ai because God’s protection was removed.
- Hidden secrets, much like hidden sin, keep us in fear, shame, isolation, and insecurity.
- Reasons for hiding the truth include fear, loss of reputation, consequences, and rejection.
- All sin is forgiven when confessed to God, but another measure of healing is achieved when confessed to one another and prayed for.
- There is new life, including new measures of grace, when secrets are revealed.
- What does Achan’s story reveal to you about God’s view of disobedience?
- Have you ever experienced the hard work of covering and hiding? Explain.
- Share a time when confession lead to freedom. What changed?
- How does hidden sin affect families?