More Than Words: God’s Heart In Five Truths

March 23, 2025

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Key Points

  • The law is an expression of God’s heart and character, revealing sin and holding us accountable.
  • Grace is God’s unearned gift that saves us and empowers us to live godly lives.
  • Repentance involves changing one’s mind and turning away from sin towards God.
  • Being born again is receiving new life through the Holy Spirit.
  • Righteousness is both a gift from God and a calling to reflect His character in our lives.


  • How does understanding the law as an expression of God’s heart and character change our perspective on obedience and sin?
  • Grace is way more than salvation. How have you experienced God’s grace beyond just being saved?
  • Discuss the concept of repentance as “changing the way you think.” How is this different from just feeling sorry?
  • How would you explain the concept of being “born again” to someone unfamiliar with Christianity?
  • The sermon describes righteousness as “a gift that should become a lifestyle.” What does this mean to you practically?
  • What role does the Holy Spirit play in our understanding and application of these spiritual concepts?
  • In what ways might a deeper understanding of these five spiritual concepts change our approach to evangelism and discipleship?


  • Identify one area where you need to “recalculate” or repent. Share with a partner for accountability.
  • Reflect on how you’ve experienced God’s grace recently. Write it down and share it with the group next week.
  • Choose one aspect of God’s character revealed in His law (e.g., holiness, justice, love) and focus on reflecting that in your life this week.
  • If you haven’t been baptized since coming to faith, consider taking that step as a public declaration of being “born again” on Easter.
  • Identify one way you can live out your “right standing with God” in a practical way this week (e.g., forgiving someone, serving others, etc.).


Thank God for His law, grace, the opportunity for repentance, new life in Christ, and the gift of righteousness. Ask for His help in applying these truths in daily life.