Group Guide
Your Mission
Your Mission
February 9, 2025
Key Points
- The heart of the Great Commission isn’t “going”—it’s intentional disciple making.
- Mission is less about the where and more about who we are and what we do.
- Compassion breaks through cultural and social barriers.
- Caring for the least of these—orphans, widows, the hungry—is fruit of disciple.
- Unexamined biases—toward the homeless, prisoners, or those who are different—hinder our witness.
- We are witnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit, not our strength.
- Every believer is given a mission.
- Compassion breaks the barriers of culture, prejudice, and fear.
- A disciple does not just believe. A disciple is on mission takes action.
- How has the sermon changed or expanded your understanding of mission?
- The Great Commission is sometimes treated as the “Great Omission.” Why do you think this happens, and how can we combat this tendency?
- Who do you identify with most in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
- How does Jesus’ definition of “neighbor” challenge your current perspective?
- Have you ever had an experience of God using you despite feeling unworthy?
- The sermon lists several passages describing what God requires of us (Micah 6:8, Isaiah 58:6-7, James 1:27, Matthew 25:31-40). Which of these instructions do you find most challenging to live out? Why?
- What prejudices or biases might be preventing you from showing compassion to certain groups or individuals? How can we work to overcome these?
- Take time this week to prayerfully consider where God might be calling you to “make disciples.”
- Ask God to reveal any prejudices you might hold. Write them down, pray over them, and ask Him to help you see people as He sees them.
- Memorize John 15:8 and let it shape your daily reflection on how you’ve lived out your faith through action.
Father, thank You for entrusting me with the mission to make disciples. Help me to see this calling not as a task, but as a way of life. Soften my heart toward those I’ve overlooked or avoided. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I witness through Your power, not my own strength. Show me opportunities to serve, care, and share the Gospel. I surrender my plans to You. I am willing to go, willing to serve, and willing to love, because You first loved me.