Tenant Or Owner?

Marked – Week 32
July 10, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus has authority over all things in Heaven and on Earth.
  • Jesus’s authority is from God the Father, not from man.
  • The religious leaders challenged Jesus’s authority because they were afraid of Him, and they wanted Him dead.
  • Jesus used questions and parables as effective teaching tools.
  • The Pharisees were not satisfied being tenants; they wanted to be owners.
  • We have been entrusted as stewards of the Gospel.
  • God’s love and mercy are never-ending.
  • God is patient, not indifferent; there will be judgement.

Discussion Questions

  1. Give an example of when you have challenged authority.
  2. Are you fully surrendered to the authority of Jesus Christ?
  3. How have you responded to the Gospel?
    • Convicted and repentant?
    • Irritated and heart hardened?
    • Indifferent?
  4. Challenge: Try reading through the Gospel and answering the questions Jesus asked in your own words!