The Call

February 23, 2025

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Key Points

  • Jesus’ calling in our lives is all-inclusive. The call includes leaving our past behind—our pride, selfish ambition, independence, and false security.
  • His call to follow includes self-denial & cross-bearing, bringing us closer to the epicenter of His calling.
  • Even at the beginning of Jesus’ call on Peter’s life, He cast the vision for his future—that he would be part of His Great Commission to reach the lost.
  • Believing in Jesus is different from following Him and becoming His disciple.
  • When counting the cost of following Jesus, we must always remember that the benefits far outweigh the cost.
  • God’s love and grace enable us to follow Him despite our shortcomings and weaknesses.
  • The great exchange—our unrighteousness for His righteousness—enables us to answer His call to follow.


  1. How would you describe the difference between being a believer and a disciple?
  2. What might you need to “renounce” or let go of to follow Jesus more closely?
  3. What do you think Jesus means by “hating” family members in Luke 14:26?
  4. Daily self-denial and cross-bearing are essential to discipleship. What might this look like in your everyday life?
  5. Pastor Bob mentioned that no one is worthy to follow Jesus on their own. How does this truth impact your view of discipleship and God’s grace?


  • Daily Reflection: Spend a few minutes each day this week asking God to show you areas where you need to “pick up your cross” and follow Him more closely.
  • Accountability: Partner with someone to encourage each other in your discipleship journey. Check in regularly to discuss challenges and growth.
  • Self-Examination: Make a list of things that might be hindering your commitment to following Jesus. Pray & consider steps you can take to address these areas.
  • Prayer Focus: Spend time in prayer, asking God to deepen your understanding of what it means to be His disciple & for the strength to follow Him more faithfully.


Father, I surrender my pride, my selfish desires, and every distraction that keeps me from fully following You. Jesus, help me to take up my cross daily—to live a life marked by sacrifice, humility, & unwavering trust in Your Word. Strengthen my faith so I may renounce anything holding me back from living the life You intended. Holy Spirit, guide me in every step of my journey, and may I always reflect Your love and mercy.