The Five Kings: Part 1
Isolation & Insecurity
May 5, 2024
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- An alliance was formed to attack Gibeon; Joshua was summoned, and Israel came to their defense.
- God stopped the sun and dropped hailstones on the alliance.
- The five kings abandoned their people and hid in a cave.
- Joshua, with all his men in sight, removed the kings from the cave and executed them.
- God will go to great lengths without cooperation to slay false kings that try to rule our hearts.
- There are five kings and five queens that try to rule our hearts:
- Five Kings
- Sexual Perversion
- Control
- Unforgiveness
- Man Pleasing
- Isolation
- Five Queens
- Comparison
- Unforgiveness
- Busyness
- Insecurity
- Control
- Five Kings
- Insecurity can be cloaked in meekness, compliance, and assuming blame. It can also be disguised in bravado, defiance, and never admitting wrong. In one person, insecurity moves them to avoid attention if possible; in another, it moves them to demand as much attention as possible.
- Isolation and insecurity are rooted in self-absorption and pride.
- God wants us to operate from the Spirit, not our flesh.

- In general, how did you respond to this message?
- How could you relate to Allen, Nowell, or Diane?
- Have you ever struggled with isolation or insecurity?
- Are you currently struggling with isolation or insecurity?
- Discuss how to come along side those dealing with these kings and queens.