The Five Kings: Part 3
Busyness & Sexual Perversion
May 19, 2024
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Busyness can be a sign of brokenness.
- Martha was troubled and distracted.
- Busyness can sometimes be rooted in pride.
- The remedy for busyness is resting at the feet of Jesus and His teaching. (Word)
- It is good to be hospitable and serve but not in an excessive way.
- Flee from sexual immorality.
- God calls us to make our bodies surrender to His holiness through sanctification.
- Sexual sin can lead to a terrible stronghold of addiction.
- The battle is only won through the Sprit and help from others. It will not be won in isolation.
- Internal and external means are necessary though the Gospel’s ability to change the heart and accountability through external means.
- No other sin is called out as a sin against the body.
- These sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ just like the rest of our failings. He has mercy for those who are suffering.
- What were your takeaways from Jamie’s testimony?
- Describe what busyness looks like in your life.
- Do you think your busyness is a way to cope with something? Explain.
- How has Jesus given you rest?
- What were your takeaways from Bobby’s testimony?
- How does porn damage our mental and spiritual health?
- Discuss how hidden sexual sin damages relationships.
- Why does God want holiness in relation to sex?