The Five Kings: Part 3

Busyness & Sexual Perversion
May 19, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Busyness can be a sign of brokenness. 
  • Martha was troubled and distracted.
  • Busyness can sometimes be rooted in pride.
  • The remedy for busyness is resting at the feet of Jesus and His teaching. (Word)
  • It is good to be hospitable and serve but not in an excessive way.
  • Flee from sexual immorality.
  • God calls us to make our bodies surrender to His holiness through sanctification.
  • Sexual sin can lead to a terrible stronghold of addiction.
  • The battle is only won through the Sprit and help from others. It will not be won in isolation.
  • Internal and external means are necessary though the Gospel’s ability to change the heart and accountability through external means.
  • No other sin is called out as a sin against the body.
  • These sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ just like the rest of our failings. He has mercy for those who are suffering.


  1. What were your takeaways from Jamie’s testimony?
  2. Describe what busyness looks like in your life.
  3. Do you think your busyness is a way to cope with something? Explain.
  4. How has Jesus given you rest?
  5. What were your takeaways from Bobby’s testimony?
  6. How does porn damage our mental and spiritual health?
  7. Discuss how hidden sexual sin damages relationships.
  8. Why does God want holiness in relation to sex?

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