The Hall Of Faith

July 16, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Faith is believing in who God says He is without Him being seen.
  • The Old Testament saints all were saved by faith.
  • Those listed in this great Hall of Faith preserved in trials and, although they faltered at times, God remained faithful to His promise.
  • Faith doesn’t do much more than believe unless your faith is in Christ.
  • Faith in Christ changes your destiny and your identity.
  • Sometimes faith changes circumstances and other times faith keeps you secure while under them.
  • All the saints listed where looking for a better homeland.
  • Rahab had sympathizing faith for her household. So should we!

Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss the difference between faith and hope.
  2. Which Old Testament saint inspires you and why?
  3. Discuss different aspects of the faith that you see exercised by the saints listed in Hebrews 11 (ex: a faith that waits).

“Faith for my deliverance is not faith in God. Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, I will stick to my belief that God is love.”

Oswald Chambers