The Mark Of Transfiguration

Marked – Week 22
March 20, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • The account of the transfiguration of Jesus is a pivotal moment in the life and ministry of the Messiah.
  • After the assent to the top of the mountain with Peter, James, and John, Jesus will descend from the mountain and head towards Jerusalem.
  • Jesus tells his disciples of his impending rejection, death, and resurrection for the second time. This time gives them a glimpse of His glorified state of divinity.
  • Both Elijah and Moses appearing with Jesus during the transfiguration points to a pivotal moment: the law and the prophets will be fulfilled and completed in Jesus.
  • The transfiguration also gives us a picture of our resurrection.
  • Peter testifies to this event in his second letter; notice how majestic and how powerful this event impacted his life.
  • This event should leave us just like it did with the disciples. With Jesus touching us and reminding us to listen to Him.
  • God affirms his Son and His obedience. And by our faith He affirms us as His sons and daughters.

Discussion Questions

  1. What did you take away from Sunday’s message?
  2. If someone in your group attended Hearts Being Healed, ask them to share their experience.
  3. As a group, discuss 2 Peter 1:16-18.