The Power Of The Resurrection

Resurrection Sunday
April 17, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Knowing the power of the resurrection helps us to trust, believe, hope, and persevere through trials. 
  • There is power in God’s law to charge us as sinners condemned to die.
  • There is power in our nature to be self-willed.
  • There is the power of love and obedience when Jesus surrendered His will to the Father in the garden.
  • There is power in the cross of Christ to atone for sinners.
  • There is power in the resurrection that produces victory over death and the grave.
  • There is power over the devil.
  • There is power given for us to be transformed, to love, and to spread the Gospel.
  • When Christ returns, He will return with power!

Discussion Questions

  1. How did your family celebrate Easter as a child? Have you changed the tradition?
  2. How does knowing the power of the resurrection help you today?
  3. Discuss the power of our self-will.
  4. Have you experienced His power in your walk?

*Some manuscripts add verses 44 and 46 (which are identical with verse 48).