The Promise Of The Father

June 19, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • We must recognize our need for prayer.
  • Jesus encourages persistent prayer when He tells the story, “ask, seek, knock.”
  • The Father answers our prayer with the best gift of all: Himself through the person of the Holy Spirit.
  • At our new birth, the Holy Spirit unlocks God becoming Father and we are joined to Him in spirit.
  • At our new birth, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
  • The Holy Spirit unlocks worship for us in spirit and in truth.
  • God has granted us complete access to Himself.
  • The Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) unlocks the mind of Christ for us.
  • The Holy Spirit unlocks for us a Kingdom vision and the power to live it — our lives for the King and His will.
  • The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to spiritual reality to see that this world is passing away but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
  • The all-encompassing ministry and work of the Holy Spirit will complete the work He has started in us as He transforms us into the image of Christ.
  • We need the Holy Spirit.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does your prayer life compare to the friend Jesus describes that wouldn’t stop knocking in the middle of the night?
  2. When you pray, do you ever pray to the Holy Spirit?
  3. When you go to God, do you feel He has given you complete access to Himself?
  4. Have you experienced the Holy Spirit unlocking the mind of Christ as you read God’s Word?
  5. How can you intentionally begin to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to operate in your life?