The Runaway Prophet
October 15, 2023
Key Scriptures
Key Points
- Jesus believed the reality of Jonah’s great fish experience; we should too.
- Jonah was asked to bring a message of repentance to the Ninevites.
- Jonah attempted to run from the call of God and run from the presence of God.
- God appointed a storm to turn Jonah’s heart back to Him. In the process, men with foreign gods were saved.
- It is impossible to run away from the presence of God.
- When we run from the calling of God to live according to the Word and/or share the Word, we unknowingly affect those around us.
- God’s mercy was given to Jonah when He appointed to him a great fish.
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever shrunk back from God’s call?
- If repentance is at the heart of the Gospel, are you open and willing to call others to repent from sin?
- Discuss your takeaways from the message.
- Read the book of Jonah and write a one sentence heading for each chapter.