When We Give

January 21, 2024

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Fasting for ourselves defeats the purpose of fasting.
  • In Isaiah 58 we find God’s chosen fast. To repent and give.
  • We are oftentimes yoked or strapped to self-desires.
  • Giving to those in need helps free us from self. 
  • We are saved not by works but those who are saved do good works.


  1. Pastor Bob listed some unhealthy yokes that we are at times strapped to: covetousness, complacency, compromise, isolation, unforgiveness, pride and various addictions. How can you relate?
  2. How does looking to the needs of others help free us from self?
  3. List the promises found in Isaiah 58.
  4. Why were you born? (This could take a while)