Who Is The Greatest?

Marked – Week 24
April 3, 2022

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Jesus tells the 12 of His impending fate and resurrection for the second time.
  • The disciples were afraid to ask questions and did not understand.
  • Their hearts were consumed with self and their own potential greatness.
  • Jesus says greatness is only achieved in the Kingdom through serving.
  • A child is brought in to demonstrate the need for humility as well as serving without the applause of people but to the Glory of God.
  • Another argument about someone other than the 12 casting a demon arises with John.
  • Jesus explains that even if “anyone” give a cup of cold water to one of his own it doesn’t go unrewarded.
  • Jesus only has six months left with these future world changers and they must learn to deny self-recognition and glorify God.
  • We are much like the men when we compete and seek approval from others.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever found yourself seeking the approval of others?
  2. What does serving others look like?
  3. What was your personal take-away from Sunday’s sermon?
  4. How can serving others change your own heart?