Words With Grace

Edify – Week 1
February 5, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Our words can build up or tear down.
  • God wants us to speak love to build up those in the Body of Christ.
  • Isaiah was repentant for his and his people’s unclean lips. God purified him with a burning coal, atoned for the sin, and sent him.
  • Born-again believers need to refrain and repent from perverse (rotten) talk and speak grace as it fits the occasion.
  • Speaking the truth in love includes correction. Correction is also a means of grace

Discussion Questions

  1. How would you evaluate your tendencies? Are you more of a criticizer, judge, or encourager?
  2. In your own words, how does love build up?
  3. Have you been hurt or wounded by others’ words?
  4. Who do you know that needs to be encouraged right now? What is your next step?