Yes And Amen

April 23, 2023

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Key Scriptures

Key Points

  • Many of the promises of God have been fulfilled. 
  • Promises from God are found in His Word for believers to grab ahold of by faith.
  • God’s promises are always yes in Christ.
  • God upholds his promises to bring Glory to His name.
  • Standing on a promise brings steadiness in storms and hope to the soul. 
  • Fulfilled promises such as the flood, Jesus’s birth, His resurrection, and the promise of the Holy Spirit give us confidence that He is faithful to uphold everyday promises such as forgiveness.
  • Promises are found when reading the Word… Read the Word!

Discussion Questions

  1. Share a promise that you stand on that helps you in your walk with Christ.
  2. Have you ever broken a promise? What was the result?
  3. Read Romans 10 as a group and stop when you read the first promise.
  4. How is faith connected to the promise?